Sunday, February 27, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Should I ?
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
My Sleeping-Princess

:.: Balakishnaraja :.:
Monday, February 21, 2005
Hope this is a dream…….. A disturbing one…….
Wishing it could have been better, here I am….
With her, feeling her soft cheek against mine, her sweet smell drowning me…………….
I was having a great evening, chit chatting with my friends.
Spending those last minutes with them, before they were destined to go elsewhere, to serve their purpose.
Then it happened.
He came and picked me up from the bunch….
His lips brushed my cheek, warm breath filling me……
Before I knew what’s happening around me…. He was holding me and mumbling words I couldn’t understand.
There she was….. walking towards us. The most beautiful lady I have seen.
Tall and slender, walking in, towards our table, with all the confidence, aware about all the attention she seems to be getting. Men. Women. Attention seemed no boundary.
Burgundy blouse, complementing her complexion. Beige skirt, brushing her knees, proud being wrapped around, most beautiful long legs.
Her shiny black hair, in a stylish cut….
Minimal jewellery and with no make up… she was looking gorgeous.
Made me wonder, but why did he bring me here? Next to this beauty… I am nothing…
But her sparkling eyes lost its lusture when she saw his expression. She knew the worst is going to hit her, when she saw the soul brooding look on his face.
He confessed to her that, there was someone else in his life and he needs to leave. Leave forever.
There she was holding me…..
Looking at me, with tear filled eyes.
A drop of water, of the shredded heart, fell on me from her moist eyes.
“What have I done?”
“Please, don’t let him go away from me….” She pleaded to me….
Unable to do anything, apart from hear her, I was feeling helpless.
Why has fate destined me to be a parting exchange, this time?
Why wasn’t he giving me to show his love that he would be there for her, always?
Why wasn't the tear dropped on me because of happiness?
I don’t mind withering in her frail hands…. But, wishing he would choose to stay with her. Forever.
Those words were so wonderful that I was not able to resist myself posting them on my blog to compliment my sketch.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
....How I wonder what you are (",)
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Twinkle twinkle little star
So, I along with one of my roomies (who was "supposed" to be having a key) who just turned up went up to the terrace. Goodness..there was a sight which I had missed for so many months... the twinkling stars in the dark sky...was so beautiful to look at. I am not able to realize what makes them so pretty. After all, they are just tiny little twinkling dots stuck up there...high a dark blanket... but still.... they were so pretty to look.. I kept on staring... I started to explain the constellations to my roomie...but he was not interested.... *sigh* 5 minutes of Fame lost... He started fondling with my Cell and I kept on Gazing at those lovely little tiny spots winking at me... (",). Half an hour later, our saviour came and after a short Verbal fight we entered the App. Ghosh...I have do that again.... Even the stars winking at me drives me crazy.... (",)
:.: Balakishnaraja :.:
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
CAUTION !! Techie post ahead...
Monday, February 14, 2005
Its V-day (",)
Yo..all you Love Birds out there... (",) How did the day go? How many of you went screaming behind girls.... (I'm assuming Girls wuld be more civilized (",) )...
Ahhhh, Nothing special from my side apart from sighing that there weren't any cupids fluttering behind me to hurt my behind...hee hee...U get it... "Behind me to hurt my behind"..hee hee...bad joke,eh... ok..forget it. Anyways, nothing special here. Just another day. But, I 've always wanted to have one of those candle light dinners like they show in those movies (Man,...those heros get all the good looking girls.. I wonder there will ever be any "not-so good looking" hero and a absolutely charming and the cutest Girlfriend. Now, that's a movie that I would love to watch...U know..more "Adventurous" kinda stuff). Ok enough of dreaming..... so, u guys got any candle light dinner or moon light walking stuff... If ur answer was a "Yes" then I envy you...if "no" ....welcome to my world...the world of techie geeks where u sweat even if someone half as cute as the side actress in movies smiles at you....
ok then....See ya later... Happy that even a word....Damn.... where is a dictionary when u need one.... Ok...see ya next time around..Bye
:.: Balakishnaraja :.:
Friday, February 11, 2005
Thursday, February 10, 2005
I did it again...
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
The hottest thing in German music right now is a 4-year-old girl's made-up song about a crocodile. Joy Gruttman's song, "Snappy the Little Crocodile" ("Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil"), is the No. 1 song on the German charts. Her family posted the song on a Web site as a joke, but a radio station in Cologne, Germany, got hold of it and made it a hit. Gruttman is the youngest recording artist to make it to the German Top 10, let alone No. 1. "Snappy" beat out songs by Kylie Minogue and Linkin Park. The song is even appearing as remixes in German dance clubs.
Now...isnt that the sweetest song u've heard... (",). Until next time....chou....
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Not feeling so good :(
Monday, February 07, 2005
What's This !!!
Hey yo, (",)
How are u..? Mmmmm....Dont know what to write today, so here goes nothing....Crack this if U can....
- A pauper has this.
- The rich dont have this.
- This is worse than Death.
- This is Bigger than God Himself.
- This could satisfy anyone on the Earth.
- This enchants u more than love.
- This hurts u more than love.
So,....what's This...?? (",). u want me to give ya a hint.... mmmmmmm....naaa....Its an easy one...Let's see if u can crack it... (",)
:.: Balakishnaraja :.:
Thursday, February 03, 2005
yup yup yup.....U guessed it right. I somehow managed to convince the fellow sitting on the other side of the Glass box (Counselar) that I would be of some use to the company if I travel onsite to the "US of A" and got my Visa stamped... yaaaaaaaaaay.... To tell u the truth, I was a real bundle of nerves out there. Goodness, I have never seen myself in more pathetic situation. I could not even speak properly. Words were just NOT coming ou my mouth.
The day started as usual, only difference was that I bunked office. (",) I had a very bad dream last, I was just circling the room nervously not know what to do... I didnt want to do exercise...didnt want to brush ... bath... nothing... It was this feeling I just not able to explain. After a few dizzying circles I settled down and brushed my teeth. I waited till everyone left and had my bath. Then I sat down to memorize my Justification letters and stuff. It was tougher than I thought. I was so nervous that I could get the difference betwwen an Immigrant and an Emmigrant. (".)
somehow mugged up the whole lot of 8 pages (Now, thats a lot of pages considering that you are terribly out of touch from mugging and that you are in a rather edgy situation). Anyway, I mugged up the whole lot and around half past 12 I started getting ready for the Battle (what are u smiling at...yes it is a battle...). I turned around to see my " B R A N D N E W "Louis Phillipe" lying peacefully in a corner. I took it on my hands...ripped the cover off...pulled out all those damn pins they stick into that lovely piece of cloth and peeled of those lables. Apart from the ripping, pullling and peeling, I was very delicate to my shirt...after all 1000 bucks is a lot of money... I wore it and admired myself...(Dude, you make this shirt look good...hee hee...No I was not telling that.....just trying to make u think that I am handsome and stuff... (",) ).
Ok, I dressed up and looked outside the balcony and I was in shock to see that it was drizzling outside....(Me: Noooo...not today) As if the rain gods took pity on me, it stopped after some 2 minutes. I wanted to take a taxi to the Counselate..but ended up taking a bus...just for the heck of it.