Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Not feeling so good :(

I am not in high spirits today. Dont know why... Guess it is one of those days where you feel lost and nothing whatsoever seems to cheer u up (ummm....EXCEPTION - Someone reaaaaaaaaaaaalllly cute smiles at you, then u are altogether on a completely different Dimension... like walking on air and stuff like that...(",)).
Hmm...but that never happens to me. So, guess I have to live with the feeling for now. Now, I dont understand at all..... Why cant u just bail out of a feeling when you want to....after all...u do know that persisting in the same condition is not going to get you anywhere... Why should you keep thinking of the same thing over and over again... And You know what the worst is....all the feelings that you sweat out really hard to overcome comes trickling back to mess you even more... then you are in complete deep *^#%.... Are you getting what I am trying to say here.... ? mmmm...?I keep saying to myself... "Got to get over it....Got to get over it..." and I am going nowhere.... The only thing that is happening is getting even more damn depressed..... But, You know what, I have a couple of ways to over come (or "under come"...or "around come"... whatever) this.... I am going to go home...take a paper...pencil and do a sketch... I'm sure that'll take my mind off this....Yeah..thats what I am going to do... I'm going to hit this feeling right on its head... (",)....
So,... am just curious....whatever will you do when you happen to confront this situation.....

:.: Balakishnaraja :.: