With working out at whatever place you find and whenever you desire to, becoming a fad, lemme bring to your notice an interesting suggestion that I got as a forward, in a mail.Unlike many other techniques of working out, this is a fairly straight forward and simple one. You can effectively lose, if not much, but surely some calories. So, here we go.
All you need is your desktop.. No, not the PC, your actual desktop. But you would very well use any other hard surface that is at a convenient height. This workout has also proven to be an effective stress buster. All you need to do is, wipe the surface and your forehead clean and go banging your head on the surface. I am serious. Here have a look at this
-:- Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour -:-
See what I mean. But, develop a rythm though. Let me give you an example. To start with, you can count to ten before banging your head... and as you progress you can bring it down to three.
Ah.. see you have already lost a couple of calories by slapping your head with your palm. Just increase the kinetic force and you are all set to lose a lot of calories (",)